Leek quiche.
Contiene leche, proteína de huevo y gluten.
Contains milk, egg protein and gluten
6.50 €
Tartaleta de Espinacas y Ricotta
Spinach and ricotta pastry.
Contiene leche y gluten.
Contains milk and gluten
5.50 €
Tartaleta de Queso de Cabra y Brócoli
Goat cheese and broccoli pastry.
Contiene leche y gluten.
Contains milk and gluten
5.50 €
Ración de Hummus
De espinaca o remolacha con pan focaccia negro.
Spinach hummus or beetroot hummus with black focaccia.
Contiene vegano, gluten, sésamo y sulfito.
Contains vegan, gluten, sesame and sulphite
8.95 €
Tapa Especial del Día
Special tapa of the day.
Contiene vegano, soja y sésamo.
Contains vegan, soy and sesame
5.50 €
Platos Combinados
Lasagna de Berenjenas con Tofu y Coronada con Hummus de Espinaca
Eggplant lasagna with tofu and topped with spinach hummus.
Contiene vegano, soja y sésamo y sin gluten.
Contains vegan, soy and sesame and without gluten
10.50 €
Lasaña de Queso Feta y Carne Vegetal con Capas de Berenjenas
Feta cheese lasagna and veggie-meat with layers of eggplants.
Contiene leche y sin gluten.
Contains milk and without gluten
10.50 €
Albóndigas de Lentejas y Olivas Negras con Salsa de Soja y Mostaza Dulce
Lentil meatballs with black olives and sweet vegan mustard sauce.
Contiene vegano, soja, gluten y mostaza.
Contains vegan, soy, gluten and mustard
10.50 €
Albóndiga Especial de Deliciosa Carne Vegetal y Proteína de Trigo
Special meatball with delicious veggie-meat and wheat protein.
Contiene gluten, soja, sésamo, mostaza, apio y proteína de huevo.
Contains gluten, soy, sesame, mustard, celery and egg protein
10.50 €
Veggie Burgers
Red Dragon Burger
Garbanzos, remolacha, calabacín horneado, pepino, espinacas, tomate y salsa dulce de mostaza.
Chickpeas, beetroot, baked zucchini, spinach, tomato and sweet mustard.
Contiene vegano, gluten, soja, sulfito y mostaza.
Contains vegan, gluten, soy, sulphite and mustard
10.00 €
Green Peace Burger
Garbanzos, espinacas, berenjenas horneadas, pepino, tomate, salsa de mostaza dulce y veganesa.
Chickpeas, spinach, baked eggplants, cucumber, tomato sweet mustard sauce and vegan-mayo.
Contiene vegano, gluten, soja, sulfito y mostaza.
Contains vegan, gluten, soy, sulphite and mustard
10.00 €
Yanomami Burger
Patata, alubias rojas, escamas de cebolla, veganesa, pepino, kétchup de remolacha, canónigos y zanahoria.
Potato, red beans, onion flakes, vegan-mayo, cucumber, beet ketchup, greens and carrot.
Contiene vegano, gluten, soja y mostaza.
Contains vegan, gluten, soy and mustard
10.00 €
Quechua Burger
Quinoa, patata, pimiento rojo, rúcula, calabaza al horno, pepino, tomate y veganesa.
Quinoa, potato, red pepper, roquette, baked pumpkin, cucumber, tomato and vegan-mayo.
Contiene vegano, gluten y soja.
Contains vegan, gluten and soy
10.00 €
Terra Nosta Burger
Lentejas, aceitunas negras, pepino, espinacas, tomate, mostaza dulce y veganesa.
Lentils, black olives, spinach, tomatoes, sweet mustard, cucumber, spinach and vegan-mayo.
Contiene vegano, gluten y soja.
Contains vegan, gluten and soy
10.00 €
Gossip Girl Burger
Deliciosa carne vegetal a base de proteína de soja, tomate, berenjenas y calabacines horneados, salsa de mostaza dulce, canónigos y veganesa.
Delicious vegetable meat based on soy protein, tomatoes, baked eggplant and zucchini, sweet mustard sauce, greens and vegan-mayo.
Contiene vegano, gluten, soja, proteína de huevo y frutos de cáscara.
Contains vegan, gluten, soy, egg protein and nuts
10.00 €
Ensalada El Perro Flauta
Cuscús, hummus, tomate, pepino, perejil, hierbabuena y limón.
Hippy: couscous, hummus, tomato, cucumber, parsley, peppermint and.
Contiene vegano, gluten y sulfito.
Contains vegan, gluten and sulphite
9.90 €
Ensalada El Cachas
Lentejas o garbanzos con judías al vapor y queso feta o tabuleh.
Hottie: lentils or chickpeas with steamed beans and feta cheese or tabuleh.
Contiene leche.
Contains milk
10.95 €
Ensalada La Ligerita
Canónigos, lombarda, manzana, quinoa, pasas y tzatziki.
Vixen: greens, red cabbage, apple, quinoa, raisins and tzatziki.
Contiene vegano y soja.
Contains vegan and soy
10.95 €
Ensalada La Recatada
Canónigos, calabacín, mermelada de tomate, feta, cuscús y nueces.
Virgin: greens, zucchini, tomato jam, feta cheese, couscous and nuts.
Contiene leche, gluten y frutos de cáscara.
Contains milk, gluten and nuts
10.95 €
Veggie Wraps
Wrap Tímido
Tofu o queso feta, hummus, tomate, lechuga o espinacas y veganesa.
Shy: tofu or feta cheese, hummus, tomato, lettuce or spinach and vegan-mayo.
Contiene gluten, soja, leche y mostaza.
Contains gluten, soy, milk and mustard
9.20 €
Wrap Juerguista
Cuscús, garbanzos, lechuga o espinacas, tomates, mostaza dulce y veganesa.
Party Boy: couscous, chickpeas, lettuce or spinach, tomatoes, sweet mustard and vegan-mayo.
Contiene gluten, soja, sulfito y mostaza.
Contains gluten, soy, sulphite and mustard
9.20 €
Wrap Optimista
Queso feta o tofu, lentejas, brócoli, tzatziki, espinacas y veganesa.
Optimist: feta cheese or tofu, lentils, broccoli, tzatziki, spinach and vegan-mayo.
Contiene gluten, soja, leche y mostaza.
Contains gluten, soy, milk and mustard
9.20 €
Wrap Lady Killer
Mozzarella, veganesa, tomate y espinaca o lechuga.
Mozzarella, vegan-mayo, tomato and spinach or lettuce.
Contiene gluten, soja, leche y mostaza.
Contains gluten, soy, milk and mustard
9.20 €
Wrap Buenorro
Dátil, queso feta, lentejas, espinacas o lechuga y veganesa.
Hunk: date, feta cheese, lentils, spinach or lettuce and vegan-mayo.
Contiene gluten, soja, leche y mostaza.
Contains gluten, soy, milk and mustard
9.20 €
Tarta de Zanahoria
Carrot cake.
Contiene leche, gluten, frutos de cáscara y proteína de huevo.
Contains milk, gluten, nuts and egg protein
5.50 €
Strudel de Manzana
Apple strudel.
Puedes elegir leche condensada vegana / condensed vegan milk.
Contiene vegano, gluten y frutos de cáscara.
Contains vegan, gluten and nuts
4.50 €
Tarta de Chocolate
Chocolate cake.
Contiene vegano, gluten y soja.
Contains vegan, gluten and soy
6.00 €
Tarta Vegana de Temporada
Seasonal vegan cake.
Puedes elegir helado vegano / vegan ice cream.
Contiene vegano, gluten, frutos de cáscara y soja.
Contains vegan, gluten, nuts and soy
6.00 €
Mousse de Chocolate, Cacahuete y Goji
Chocolate mousse, peanut and goji.
Contiene vegano, frutos de cáscara y soja.
Contains vegan, nuts and soy
6.00 €
2.80 €
2.80 €
2.80 €
Capuchino con Topping de Matcha Japonés
Cappuccino with japanese matcha topping.
Contiene soja, gluten y leche.
Contains soy, gluten abd milk
3.20 €
Zumos y Smoothies
Zumos Antioxidantes
Antioxidant juices.
-Piña, zanahoria y manzana / Pineapple, carrot and apple.
-Pomelo, zanahoria y naranja / Grapefruit, carrot and orange.
-Naranja, piña y fresa / Orange, pineapple and strawberry.
-Manzana, limón y jengibre / Apple, lemon and ginger.
-Naranja, pomelo y piña / Orange, grapefruit and pineapple.
-Zanahoria, manzana y espinaca / Carrot, apple and spinach.
-Piña, limón y naranja / Pineapple, lemon and orange.
-Naranja, remolacha y zanahoria / Orange, beet and carrot.
-Manzana, frutos del bosque y Remolacha / Apple, forest fruits and beet
6.20 €
Zumos Détox
Détox juices.
-Melón y naranja / Melon and orange.
-Piña y jengibre / Pineapple and ginger.
-Limón y naranja / Lemon and orange.
-Piña, pepino y pomelo / Pineapple, cucumber and grapefruit.
-Pepino y piña / Cucumber and pineapple.
-Pepino, fresa, jengibre y manzana / Cucumber, strawberry, ginger and apple
6.20 €
Zumos Energizantes con Soja (Con Leche de Soja)
Energizing juices with soy (soy milk).
-Avena, banana, leche y canela / Oat, banana, milk and cinnamon.
-Banana, granola y leche / Banana, granola and milk.
-Fresa, leche y leche condensada / Strawberry, milk and condensed milk (contiene leche / contains milk).
-Banana, fresa y naranja / Banana, strawberry and orange.
-Manzana, matcha y col rizada / Apple, matcha and kale.
Contiene soja.
Contains soy
6.20 €
Zumos Refrescantes
Refreshing juices.
-Naranja con té verde / Orange with green tea.
-Manzana / Apple.
-Zanahoria / Carrot.
-Remolacha / Beet.
-Naranja / Orange.
-Sandía / Watermelon (sujeto a disponibilidad o temporada / subject.
to availability or season).
-Maracuyá / Passion fruit (sujeto a disponibilidad o temporada / subject.
to availability or season).
-Melón / Melon (sujeto a disponibilidad o temporada / subject.
to availability or season)
6.20 €
Smoothies de Soja
Soy smoothies.
-Fresa / Strawberry.
-Banana y fresa / Banana and strawberry.
-Frutos del bosque / Forest fruits.
-Pepino, avena y miel / Cucumber, oat and honey.
-Tropical / Tropical.
Contiene soja.
Contains soy